

Wacu² 掲載にご関心いただきありがとうございます。雇用主の方のよくあるお問合せをまとめました。
Thank you for your interest in posting. Here are some frequently asked questions from employers.

無料掲載期間は、どのくらいですか?How long is the free posting period?

無料トライアル期間は、基本的に1カ月です。The trial period is basically one month.

人材紹介はされていますでしょうか?Do you have any personnel introductions?

いいえ。Wacu²は、人材紹介は行っておりません。求人情報のみ掲載ができます。No.Wacu² doesn’t introduce human resources. Only postin job information is possible.

応募者とのやりとりはどんな方法で行いますか?How can I communicate with applicants?

The applicant will be contacted in two ways. The first is to contact your registered email address or phone number. Alternatively, a registered user will receive a notification when a logged-in user is applied on the Wacu² site. You can then verify by logging into your employer account. In this case, you can also check the details of the applicant.

求人票を作成してもらえますか?Can you create a job information ?

No. The employer will enter in the account and post it. If you need translation into English, we can help. English translation is available at an additional charge.

求人票の入力は難しいですか?Is it difficult to enter a job ticket?

No. Simply fill in each item and you can create it easily. For maps only, you need to enter longitude and latitude. You can search on Google etc. and check the numbers.
We also provide input support services. Send the posted data to Wacu² and it will be charged separately.


Yes. After logging in to your account, you can update and edit at any time on your browser. You can log in and edit from your smartphone as well as your computer.

掲載した求人に受付期限を設定できますか?Can I set a deadline for posting jobs?

Yes. There is a place to set in the job offer, so you can set it there. If there is no entry, it will be indefinite.
In addition, during the trial period, we will confirm whether to continue after the trial, so there will be no automatic renewal or charge.
Please rest assured.

写真は載せられますか?Can I post photos of our work image?

Photos cannot currently be placed.Only logos can be posted. You can upload in the edit part of the profile.

トライアル期間後のWacu²掲載料金を教えてください。Please let me know the Wacu² posting fee after the trial period.

掲載料金は、スタータープラン 月額9800円~ 詳細は、こちらの料金表でご確認ください。
Posting fee is starter plan 9800 yen per month ~ For details, Price list

支店が複数ある場合や職種が複数ある場合は、別々のアカウントを作成したほうがいいですか?Should I create separate accounts if I have multiple branches or multiple occupations??

There is no need to create one for each branch, so you can use one account. Job postings can be created separately with information for each branch.
Even if there are multiple occupations, you can post them by creating them for each occupation with the same account.
However, if the person in charge of personnel is different for each branch, it is convenient because different accounts will have different histories. In this case, create a separate account and use it.

正社員とアルバイトは、求人票を分けたほうがいいでしょうか?Should full-time employees and part-time workers have separate job postings?

Job information such as regular employees and part-time workers will differ depending on the type of employment, so please create them separately.

サポート体制はどのように行われていますか?How is the support provided?

Basically, we will respond by email. You can also call us during reception hours.

e-mail : welcome[at]

掲載基準はありますか?Is there a publication standard?

Yes. There are Wacu² original publication standards.

スマートフォンに対応していますか?Is it compatible with smartphones?

Yes. It supports browsing display for smartphones. You can also log in from your smartphone to your employer’s account and your user (applicant’s) My Account.

その他、お問合せ先 Other inquiries

If you have any questions that are not in the FAQ, please do not hesitate to contact us via email.


今すぐ無料登録 Register for free now

トライアル無料 Free trial first month

トライアル初月完全無料 ,掲載無料,手数料課金なし, Trial period First month completely free
